Methods Of Payment For Wild Rift (Southeast Asia)

We all have our favourite champions in Wild Rift (which we dominate the game with *evil laugh*)! Enjoy the chance to customize and boost your confidence by using your favorite champions skins. If you simply cannot wait, check the following methods of payment to see how you can grab some Wild Cores!

Region of Residence and Payments

All payment options listed here are dependent on your Riot Account's region of residence. The Residential Location is the geographical area in which you reside, and it dictates which shards you play in. If you do not have access to the payment methods listed below, it is possible that the region registered in your account is wrong. Log in to see whether you are eligible for a transfer!

Credit cards, phone bills, most banks, certain retail establishments (e.g., 7-Eleven), and most major e-wallets (e.g., GOPAY, Grab Pay, GCASH) are accepted throughout Southeast Asia.

Still don't see the method you're looking for? Don't worry! There are even more payment methods when purchasing points from our partner web store, Codashop.

Payment Options

payment_method_-_brunei_flag.pngBRUNEI        Cambodia_Flag.pngCAMBODIA  Hong_Kong_flag.pngHONG KONGIndonesia_flag.pngINDONESIALaos_flag.pngLAOS           Flag_of_Macau.pngMACAU       Malaysia_flag.pngMALAYSIA   Myanmar_flag.pngMYANMARPhilippines_flag.pngPHILIPPINESsingapore_flag.pngSINGAPORETaiwan_Flag.pngTAIWAN       thailand_flag.pngTHAILANDVietnam_flag.pngVIETNAM     
Apple Debit/Credit Cards Visa, Mastercard

(Last Updated 16/11/21)


Unavailable Payment Methods

We’re always looking to give you more choices but there are still a few ways you won't be able to pay. We don’t currently offer Riot branded PINs but hope to do so in the future.

Still not finding your preferred method of payment or have feedback on the ones we offer? Let us know!

Refund Policy

While in-game content (like Skins and other cosmetics) can be refunded on the support site, refunding of Wild Cores (such as in the case of an unauthorized purchase) must be done by submitting a player support ticket.

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