Attack of the Chromacrashers

If you're looking to grab a Chromacrash skin you missed from the Chromacrash Returns mini-event, you're in luck—you can earn Chromacrash Skin Chests just from purchasing Wild Cores, and then open them for even more rewards.


Start - May 24, 2024 // 00:00 UTC
End - June 6, 2024 // 23:59 UTC

*Dates and times are subject to change. Always check the in-game schedule for the most accurate information.

Purchase Wild Cores, Get Rewards

If you purchase Wild Cores during the dates above, you'll also get Chromacrash Skin Chests.

Total Wild Cores Purchased Rewards
480 Wild Cores  1 Chromacrash Skin Chests
1,500 Wild Cores  1 Chromacrash Skin Chests
3,500 Wild Cores  1 Chromacrash Skin Chests 
5,500 Wild Cores  1 Chromacrash Skin Chests 
7,500 Wild Cores  2 Chromacrash Skin Chests

Open Chromacrash Skin Chests, Get MORE Rewards

But the rewards don't stop there, because opening Chromacrash Skin Chests also earns more rewards.

Requirements Rewards
Own any Chromacrash skin Beautiful Dreams Icon Border
Open 1 Chromacrash Skin Chest 2 Orange Gemstones
Open 6 Chromacrash Skin Chests 3 Orange Gemstones
Open 20 Chromacrash Skin Chests 5 Orange Gemstones
Open 35 Chromacrash Skin Chests 10 Orange Gemstones
Open 50 Chromacrash Skin Chests 10 Hextech Keys
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