Due to a recent backend system update, some players have received a Name Change notification despite having an appropriate Riot ID. If this happened to you, check Changing Your Riot ID to see what you can do (like keeping your game name!) and can't do (like using the original server tagline, eg. NA1, EUW1, etc). And sorry for the inconvenience—some decade-old systems just won't modernize without a fight.

Please check and reply using your account-associated email inbox in case your tickets are no longer in "My Ticket" on Riot Support Page.

Hãy kiểm tra và phản hồi lại cho chúng tôi tại email liên kết với tài khoản của bạn trong trường hợp bạn không tìm thấy phiếu hỗ trợ đã gửi trong Yêu Cầu Hỗ Trợ Của Tôi nhé.

How to Remove a Copyright Violation for Videos that Use Creator-Safe Riot Music

Riot Music Claims/Strikes

If you received a claim or strike on content you published using Creator-Safe Riot music, send us some details and we’ll take a look.  

First, check that you’ve followed all of Riot Music’s Rules and Guidelines.

Then, send us a ticket under the Account Management category with the following information: 

  • Your channel name
  • Date that the video went live
  • Is this a copyright claim or strike? 
  • Screenshot/image of the violation
    • Be sure it’s clear whether the claim came from Riot Games
  • Song Name
  • Link to the video that got flagged for the violation
    • Note: If your video got removed, still give us a link to that video!
  • Brief description of the violation or any other info you want to provide about this claim or strike. 

Note: Submitting a ticket requires signing in with a Riot Account. If you don’t have a Riot Account, you can reach out to @riotgamesmusic on socials for help with your claim or strike.  

Once you send us these details, our music team will investigate. Please note that a resolution can come pretty quick or can take weeks depending on the nature of the issue.

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