Due to a recent backend system update, some players have received a Name Change notification despite having an appropriate Riot ID. If this happened to you, check Changing Your Riot ID to see what you can do (like keeping your game name!) and can't do (like using the original server tagline, eg. NA1, EUW1, etc). And sorry for the inconvenience—some decade-old systems just won't modernize without a fight.

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Wild Rift - The Rift Reborn Challenge

New patch, even newer Wild Rift. Explore the new extra wild map to earn rewards in League of Legends: Wild Rift's new event, the Rift Reborn Challenge!


Start - July 18, 2024 // 00:00 UTC
End - July 31, 2024 // 23:59 UTC*

*Dates and times are subject to change. Always check the in-game schedule for the most accurate information.


There's a lot of new content to explore. Thankfully, these missions will ensure you get the full experience—and even some rewards for your efforts!

All missions are available as soon as the event starts and can progress simultaneously.

Daily Missions

These missions can be completed every day while the event is live and refresh daily at 00:00 UTC.

Mission Rewards
Play 1 game 10 Hex Rift Badges
Like your teammates 3 times in the post-game screen 10 Hex Rift Badges

Exploration Missions and Rewards

Explore each of the four major Rift 2.0 features to earn Challenge Points, which then will unlock various rewards at certain milestones.

Hextech Loot Kit


Mission Rewards
Open 5 Hextech Loot Kits 5 Challenge Points (White)
Earn 200,000 Gold as a team 5 Challenge Points (White)
Log in on 3 different days 5 Challenge Points (White)
Answer the Hextech Loot Kit Trivia Question 5 Challenge Points (White)

Milestone Rewards

Challenge Points Required (White) Rewards
5 300 Hex Rift Badges


250 Blue motes

20 Warning, Data Overload! Bauble

Baron Nashor


Mission Rewards
Kill Baron Nashor 3 times as a team 5 Challenge Points (Yellow)
Play 1 game 5 Challenge Points (Yellow)
Destroy 20 turrets as a team 5 Challenge Points (Yellow)
Answer the Baron Nashor Trivia Question 5 Challenge Points (Yellow)

Milestone Rewards

Challenge Points Required (Yellow) Rewards
5 250 Blue Motes
10 300 Hex Rift Badges
20 Scout's Code Icon Border



Mission Rewards
Play 2 games 5 Challenge Points (Blue)
Kill 200 enemy champions as a team 5 Challenge Points (Blue)
Log in on 5 different days 5 Challenge Points (Blue)
Answer the Hexgate Trivia Question 5 Challenge Points (Blue)

Milestone Rewards

Challenge Points Required (Blue) Rewards
5 250 Blue Motes
10 300 Hex Rift Badges
20 Surprise! Bauble

Rift Herald


Mission Rewards
Kill the Hextech Mimic 2 times as a team 5 Challenge Points (Brown)
Kill the Hextech Guerrilla Turret 2 times as a team 5 Challenge Points (Brown)
Play 6 games 5 Challenge Points (Brown)
Answer the Rift Herald Trivia Question 5 Challenge Points (Brown)

Milestone Rewards

Challenge Points Required (Brown) Rewards
5 250 Blue motes
10 300 Hex Rift Badges

The Frost Archer

Final Milestone Mission

If you manage to complete all of the missions listed above, you'll get another 30 Orange Gemstones!

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